Objective of SUMCL
The main objective of the SUMCL project is to enhance the research capacity in nanoscale materials characterization in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) at Sabanci University (SU). Specifically, capacity that is the focus is the potential of the research units, the management of the research units, and the individual researchers. To this end, this action plan is being generated, based on the evaluation on the 5th-8th of November, 2008 by three independent expert evaluators, who were selected with the assistance of the European Commission services. A self-analysis was prepared by the participants of SUMCL, in the form of a preliminary strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis, and was sent to the evaluators as background prior to their visit. This document was to serve as the starting point for the assessment by the evaluation team to be completed after the visit. Their actual SWOT analysis of the nanoscale materials characterization research at SU now serves as the basis for this particular action plan.
The SWOT analysis generated from the evaluation consisted of 8 parts:
1. past performance
2. future plans
3. strengths
4. weaknesses
5. opportunities
6. threats
7. open questions
8. recommendations