Key Results
To address the weaknesses, leverage the opportunities, and ward off the threats identified in the SWOT analysis by the external evaluators, we are adopting a two-pronged approach.
In the near-term, we are aggregating around an alternative energy technology that simultaneously addresses compelling societal needs and develops local SMEs technological and market know-how, all the while synergistically drawing from the myriad of expertise possessed by a majority of the members of SUMCL.
To develop a more structured strategy, an internal review and organization retreat is planned (see Schematic 1), with main objective being the establishment of two task forces that will foster stronger, enduring, and high impact collaborations between members of SUMCL. All of the activities embedded in the work packages are all geared towards improving the research capacity-human potential, infrastructure, facilities, as well as industrial and international relations.
The flowchart below summarizes the main tasks of the action plan for improvement.