- NB Karahanoglu, H Erdogan, ?Improving A?OMP: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses With a Novel Dynamic Cost Model,?Signal Processing, vol. 118, pp. 62-74, Jan 2016
- T Hori, Z Chen, H Erdogan, JR Hershey, J Le Roux, V Mitra, and S Watanabe, ?The MERL/SRI system for the 3rd CHiME challenge using beamforming, robust feature extraction, and advanced speech recognition,? ASRU?15.
- Z Chen, S Watanabe, H Erdogan, and JR Hershey, ?Speech enhancement and recognition using multi-task learning of long short-term memory recurrent neural networks,? Proc. Interspeech?15, pp. 3274–3278, Dresden, Sep. 2015.
- IS Topkaya, H Erdogan, F Porikli, “Tracklet Clustering for Robust Multiple Object Tracking Using Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Processes”, Signal, Image and Video Processing (SIVP), Sep 2015
- YZ Isik, H Erdogan, R Sarikaya, “S-vector: A discriminative representation derived from I-vector for speaker verification,” EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, Sep 2015.
- F Sohrab, H Erdogan, “Recognize and separate approach for speech denoising using nonnegative matrix factorization,” EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, Sep 2015.
- C Karabat, M Kiraz, H Erdogan, E Savas, “THRIVE: threshold homomorphic encryption based secure and privacy preserving biometric verification system,”EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2015:71, Aug 2015.
- F Weninger, H Erdogan, S Watanabe, E Vincent, J Le Roux, JR Hershey, B Schuller, “Speech Enhancement with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks and its Application to Noise-Robust ASR,” in Proc. International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA 2015), Aug. 2015.
- H Erdogan, JR Hershey, S Watanabe, J Le Roux, ?Phase-sensitive and recognition-boosted speech separation using deep recurrent neural networks,? ICASSP 2015, Brisbane, April 2015.
- AE Bulut, H Demir, Y Z Isik, H Erdogan, “PLDA-based diarization of telephone conversations,” ICASSP 2015, Brisbane, April 2015.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Source separation using regularized NMF with MMSE estimates under GMM priors with online learning for the uncertainties, Digital Signal Processing , vol. 29, pp. 20-34, Jun. 2014.
- IS Topkaya, H Erdogan, F Porikli, “Counting people by clustering person detector outputs,” IEEE AVSS 2014, Seoul, August 2014. [received best poster award]
- EM Grais, MU Sen, H Erdogan, “Deep neural networks for single channel source separation,” ICASSP 2014, Florence, May 2014.
- B Topcu, C Karabat, H Erdogan, “Biohashing with Local Zernike Moments for face verification,” IEEE SIU 2014, Trabzon, April 2014.
- MU Sen, H Erdogan, “Learning word representations for Turkish,” IEEE SIU 2014, Trabzon, April 2014.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Regularized nonnegative matrix factorization using Gaussian mixture priors for supervised single channel source separation,“ Computer Speech and Language, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 746-62, May. 2013.
- MU Sen, H. Erdogan, “Linear classifier combination and selection using group sparse regularization and hinge loss,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.34, no. 3, pp. 265-274, Feb. 2013.
- IS Topkaya, H Erdogan, F Porikli, “Detecting and Tracking Unknown Number of Objects with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models and Markov Random Fields,” in Advances in Visual Computing, ISVC 2013, LNCS xxx , G Bebis et.al. Eds., Springer, 2013.
- B Topcu, H Erdogan, C Karabat, B Yanikoglu, “Biohashing with fingerprint spectral minutiae,” BIOSIG 2013, Darmstadt, September 2013.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Discriminative Nonnegative Dictionary Learning using Cross-Coherence Penalties for Single Channel Source Separation,” Interspeech 2013, Lyon, August 2013.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Spectro-temporal post-enhancement using MMSE estimation in NMF based single-channel source separation,” Interspeech 2013, Lyon, August 2013.
- NB Karahanoglu, H Erdogan, SI Birbil, “A mixed integer linear programming formulation for the sparse recovery problem in compressed sensing,” ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, May 2013.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Initialization Of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Dictionaries For Single Channel Source Separation,” IEEE SIU 2013, Girne, April 2013.
- NB Karahanoglu, H Erdogan, “Seyrek İşaret Geri Çatma Problemi İçin Optimal İleri-geri Arayışı,” IEEE SIU 2013, Girne, Nisan 2013.
- MB Yilmaz, H Erdogan, M Unel, “Facial feature extraction using a probabilistic approach,“
Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 678-693, Jul. 2012. - NB Karahanoglu, H Erdogan, “A* orthogonal matching pursuit: best-first search for compressed sensing signal recovery,“ Digital Signal Processing, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 555-568, Jul. 2012.
- C Karabat, H Erdogan, “Error-correcting output codes guided quantization for biometric hashing,“
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E95-D, no. 6, pp. 1707-1712, Jun. 2012. - C Karabat, H Erdogan, “Discriminative projection selection based face image hashing,“
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol. E95-D, no. 5, pp. 1547-1551, May. 2012. - Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Hidden Markov Models as Priors for Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Single-Channel Source Separation,” Interspeech 2012, Portland, September 2012.
- Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Gaussian Mixture Gain Priors for Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Single-Channel Source Separation,” Interspeech 2012, Portland, September 2012.
- Karahanoglu, N.B., and Erdogan, H., “A Comparison of Termination Criteria for A*OMP,” EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, August 2012.
- Karahanoglu, N.B., and Erdogan, H., “Forward-Backward Search for Compressed Sensing Signal Recovery,” EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, August 2012.
- Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Spectro-temporal Post-Smoothing in NMF Based Single-Channel Source Separation,” EUSIPCO 2012, Bucharest, August 2012.
- Topkaya, I.S., and Erdogan, H., “SUTAV: a Turkish audio visual database,” LREC 2012, Istanbul, May 2012.
- Emad M. Grais, Ibrahim Saygin Topkaya, Hakan Erdogan, “Audio-visual Speech Recognition With Background Music Using Single-channel Source Separation,” IEEE SIU 2012, Oludeniz, April 2012.
- Cagatay Karabat, Hakan Erdogan, “Biyometrik Kıyım: İstatistiksel Nicemleme Yöntemleri Üzerine Bir Çalışma,” IEEE SIU 2012, Oludeniz, Nisan 2012.
- N. Burak Karahanoglu, Hakan Erdogan, “Sıkıştırmalı Algılama Işaret Geri Kazanma Probleminde A* Aramasının Karmaşıklık Ve Doğruluk Analizi,” IEEE SIU 2012, Oludeniz, Nisan 2012.
- Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Adaptation of speaker-specific bases in nonnegative matrix factorization for single channel speech-music separation ,” Interspeech 2011, Florence, August 2011.
- Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Single channel speech music separation using nonnegative matrix factorization with sliding window and spectral masks,” Interspeech 2011, Florence, August 2011.
- Karabat, C., Erdogan, H., and Mihcak, K., “A face image hashing method based on optimal linear transform under colored Gaussian noise assumption,” DSP 2011, Corfu, July 2011.
- Karabat, C., Erdogan, H., and Mihcak, K., “Information theoretic capacity analysis for biometric hashing methods,” DSP 2011, Corfu, July 2011.
- Grais, E.M., and Erdogan, H., “Single channel speech music separation using nonnegative matrix factorization and spectral masks,” DSP 2011, Corfu, July 2011.
- Topkaya, I.S., and Erdogan, H., “Using multiple visual tandem streams in audio-visual speech recognition,” ICASSP 2011, Prag, May 2011.
- Karahanoglu, N.B., and Erdogan, H., “Compressed sensing signal recovery via A* orthogonal matching pursuit ,“ ICASSP 2011, Prag, May 2011.
- EM Grais, H Erdogan, “Single Channel Speech-Music Separation Using Matching Pursuit And Spectral Masks,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, April 2011.
- Yusuf Ziya Işık, Mehmet Uğur Doğan, Hakan Erdoğan, ” TÜBİTAK UEKAE – SABANCI ÜNİVERSİTESİ NIST SRE 2010 Konuşmacı Doğrulama Sistemi,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- Mehmet Umut Şen, Hakan Erdoğan, “Basit Birleştirici Tipleri için Doğrusal Olmayan Sınıflandırıcı Birleştirme,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- İbrahim Saygın Topkaya, Mehmet Umut Şen, Mustafa Berkay Yılmaz, Hakan Erdoğan, “Görsel-İşitsel Tandem Sınıflandırıcılar ve Birleşimleri ile Konuşma Tanıma Başarısını Arttırma,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- İbrahim Saygın Topkaya, Hakan Erdoğan, “Nesne Takibi için Histogam İlintisi Temelli Sınıflandırıcı Birleşimi,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- Cagatay Karabat, Hakan Erdogan, Mehmet Kivanc Mihcak, “Biyometrik Kıyım Yöntemlerinin Kapasite Analizi,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- Cagatay Karabat, Hakan Erdogan, Mehmet Kivanc Mihcak, “En İyi Lineer Dönüşüme Dayalı Yeni Bir Biyometrik Kıyım Yöntemi,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
- Berkay Topcu; Hakan Erdogan, “Yüz Tanıma için İlinti Tabanlı Yama Yerelleştirme,” IEEE SIU 2011, Kemer, Nisan 2011.
2010 and earlier
Please see Hakan Erdogan’s publications page