- “Speaker and noise specific speech denoising for telecommunication systems,” supported by Turk Telekom, Dates: Mar. 2013-Mar. 2014, Role: PI.
- “Biometric data collection and system improvement ,” supported by TUBITAK BILGEM, Dates: Sep 2012 – Sep 2013, Role: PI.
- “Single channel source separation,” supported by Turk Telekom, Dates: Mar. 2012-Mar. 2013, Budget: 66000 TL, Role: PI.
- “Fast and convergent algorithms for large scale learning (1001-110E041)“, supported by TUBITAK, Dates: Oct. 2010 – Sep. 2012, Budget: 170000 TL, Role: PI.
- “Novel approaches in audio-visual speech recognition,” supported by TUBITAK, Dates: Oct. 2007 – Sep. 2010, Budget: 221945 YTL, Role: PI.